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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Guru Yoga


I normally don't post anything from my personal/ business blog here, but making an exception for this one post :). I hope you enjoy. Please do leave your comments - I would look forward.




My conversation with Kanika sometime ago (that’s her in the pic), about her Yoga workshop, made me think about distinct styles that each of my teachers use and the unique learning each of them left me with, without any of them making any obvious effort. Simple but deep.

  1. The first time I ever attempted yoga was around 2001- twice a week, Mishra ji would come to our office in the evenings to conduct sessions. My then relatively younger body had never really exercised (other than active sport that I enjoyed all my growing up years) and even a simple Vajra Asan would leave me (and the others too :) ) in pain. Witnessing our discomfort, Misra ji, in his inimitable style, would urge us to “Enjoy the pain.” Partly how it was said and partly the seeming irony of that statement would invariably have us laughing, but lo, as we started to ‘enjoy’, the pain would disappear.

    I was to subsequently use this learning in challenging times, as I finally brought myself to a point that I could look pain in the eye and smile at it, it would start to melt, soon disappearing. Things would actually start to sort themselves out.

    I miss Mishra ji’s classes and would love to go back to them some day.
  2. Continue reading the post here.


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