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Monday, February 26, 2007

Simple Reminders

Dear all,

Here are some simple reminders excerpted from a book called Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen.

Enjoy! And cook!



People often worry that changing their lives will be difficult because it takes a lot of time and energy. This is only a negative thought and it can be changed! Making changes in life can be fun, exciting, and easy. Starting with changing your thoughts is actually easy. It doesn't really take ANY time at all because you are already always thinking. However it does take awareness!

Are you willing to take 10 minutes a day to change your life?

The following is a list of ten "One Minute Transformers." These are one minute techniques that you can use immediately to make changes.

Take a minute to....

  • remember all the things you are grateful for
  • practice conscious, deep breathing
  • scan your body for tension, breathe, and release it
  • look in the mirror and tell yourself you approve of yourself
  • acknowledge your emotions and feelings about something
  • send love to someone or someplace on the planet
  • forgive yourself or someone else
  • tell someone what you appreciate about them
  • write down a creative idea
  • really look at a flower and enjoy it's essence
  • practice FEELING the presence of Spirit guiding you in your life


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