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Friday, April 13, 2007

For all to enjoy.

For all to enjoy. Thanks.



Dance i want to dance

a teacher i did seek

who would fine tune my senses and teach me the beat

i gave solo performances

it was fame i did seek

it was me and mine

my potential, my creativity that i wanted to unleash.

Dance i want to dance

a partner i did seek

to dance in togetherness

leading and being lead

following and being followed

never losing touch with harmony

never missing a step

looking two being one

in rhythm with the universe.

Dance i want to dance

a master i did seek

he taught me to hear the music of silence

and walk the steps of stillness.

to free myself from the need of ornaments, instruments and accompaniments

from the very need of the other, from himself

knowing that i am the joyful dance and

effortlessly already all that i sought.

I am my own...


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